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We are at it again. We cycled 1200 miles down the coast of Oregon, into California, over the Golden Gate Bridge and into San Francisco. Then it was a ferry across the bay to Vallejo and a lovely side trip up the Napa Valley to Callestoga. That was the end of the bike portion of our trip.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Interior, South Dakota

We have arrived at the Badlands. It's HOT! We were worried about the heat and the miles we needed to travel so decided to leave at the crack of dawn this morning. We hit the road at 6am and saw an incredible sunrise coming over the ridge as we were cyclying west. The early morning hours are actually a wonderful time to ride. The air is cool(er) and crisp, the light still has that pink hue to it which makes everything look that little bit cleaner. The terrain of South Dakota changes tremendously once you have crossed the Missouri River. We are now in the west. It is wide open, dry, arrid, and incredibly beautiful. I know none of the pictures I've taken will do it justice. Tomorrow we will visit the park and do some hiking. Maybe tomorrow my brain will be working better and I'll do another posting. Right now, the heat and miles (73 today) have taken it's toll so Dave and I are going to get some dinner and go to bed!